Discovering the Evolutionary Secrets of Stress Response Genes: Join Us at ASHG 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that our team will be attending the much-anticipated ASHG 2023 conference in Washington, D.C. This meeting is not just any regular conference; it is the largest human genetics gathering in the world and a platform that witnesses the presentation and discussion of groundbreaking science in all areas of human genetics.

Our Poster Talk Highlight

One of the exciting parts of our participation is the poster talk we’ll be presenting. Here are the details:

Session: Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders Poster Session I
Date: Thursday, Nov 02
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm (Eastern)
Location: Conv Ctr/Exhibit & Poster Hall AB
Session Number: 033

Talk Title: “A key neuroendocrine stress response gene linked with post-traumatic stress disorder is rapidly evolving in humans.”

Abstract: Our research dives deep into the evolution of human exome variation within the Primate Order. By exploring the CodeXome® database, we’ve zeroed in on those genes that have seen rapid evolution specifically in humans. One such gene is ADCYAP1, which is intrinsically linked with the adrenal stress response. We’ve discovered unique evolutionary patterns of this gene within the exome and have detailed insights about its mutation rates, selection patterns, and its potential role in mediating neuroendocrine stress responses in primates. This research is a pioneering effort that provides comprehensive comparative evidence about how ADCYAP1 evolves and establishes a baseline for understanding its variants associated with PTSD.

The authors, including our team, will be present at their posters during the designated time, answering questions and engaging in insightful discussions. However, for those who might miss the designated time, the posters will be available for viewing throughout the Exhibit & Poster Hall’s operational hours.

Exhibit & Poster Hall Hours:

  • Thursday, November 2: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday, November 3: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Saturday, November 4: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

About ASHG 2023

Taking place from Wednesday, November 1 through Sunday, November 5, ASHG 2023 promises an immersive 5-day experience filled with cutting-edge content in human genetics and genomics. Not only will attendees have access to over 3,000+ abstract-driven posters, but they will also get the opportunity to attend various talks, symposiums, workshops, and special events.

Moreover, ASHG 2023 is not just about learning; it’s also about celebrating. This year marks the 75th organizational anniversary of ASHG. The conference will commemorate this milestone with a special celebration, ensuring that attendees get to enjoy both the academic and festive aspects of the event.

Join Us!

We invite all our readers, fellow researchers, and enthusiasts to join us at ASHG 2023. Let’s celebrate the wonders of human genetics, engage in stimulating discussions, and collaborate for a brighter future in genetic research.

See you in Washington, D.C. during the cherry blossom season!