1. What is CodeXome?

CodeXome is a revolutionary digital analytical software that enables researchers to rapidly and accurately analyze dense, noisy genetic data. It’s designed to help identify the genetic changes underlying specific traits or diseases by providing a comprehensive platform for data analysis beyond just variant analysis.

2. How does CodeXome simplify my research process?

CodeXome saves researchers time and money by cutting through the complexity of genetic data analysis. With CodeXome, you can quickly uncover insights using the most accurate comparative gene data set assembled, without spending months or years compiling data.

3. What kind of data can I explore with CodeXome?

CodeXome allows researchers to examine the context of DNA variation across 80 million years of evolution, offering insights into human variations by including genetic data from 55 genera of mankind’s primate relatives.

4. How does CodeXome ensure the accuracy of the data provided?

The CodeXome proprietary database contains nearly 14,000 genes that are effectively complete, providing researchers with the most accurate comparative dataset available. This ensures that you have clean, accurate, and contextually relevant data at your fingertips.

5. Can I compare data across different species?

Yes, CodeXome allows comparisons across humans and non-human primates, enabling researchers to identify differences and investigate the evolutionary rate of genes compared to over 13,650 additional genes available in the database.

6. How do I get started with using CodeXome?

Getting started is fast and easy. We recommend first-timers to try our CodeXome Preview. Input a gene of interest, preview curated data sets, and use multiple views for comprehensive analysis. You can explore DNA and Amino Acid alignments, identify differences between species, and investigate evolutionary rates.

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